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Remember when you applied for your job and how excited you were to start something new?

Then the weeks added up, the work was piled on, the novelty wore off, the office politics began to shine its ugly head, and we started to forget what brought us to that job in the first place. Have no fear. There are ways to get your groove back.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended anxiety screening for adults under the age of 65. The draft recommendations are designed to help primary care clinicians identify early signs of anxiety during routine care, using questionnaires and other screening tools. Although they did not specify a particular tool, the one commonly used is the GAD-7 scale.

Jake feels like his partner, Ana, is always critical and dismissive. He tries to tell her about his day, and she seems to be only half listening; he suggests an idea for a vacation, and she immediately counters with something she thinks is better.

While trying to fight your way out of apathy can be difficult, it is important to your well-being. Apathy at work not only affects your own mood but it can also affect those around you, it can follow you home, and it can be contagious. Not caring about what you do for eight hours a day can reduce your energy levels across all your life spheres.

It’s Sunday.

The perfect day for anxiety to spike in anticipation of the work week. It is hard not to think about work when it is looming only a few hours away.

Let’s be honest–work is stressful. You might be walking on eggshells dealing with a critical boss who micromanages your every move. Perhaps you are stuck with difficult coworkers who you wish you never had to work with. Maybe you feel burned out from the constant barrage of emails and phone calls.

Just this morning, I was working with a client, helping her focus inward to notice pleasant sensations of warmth and joy. These feelings arose spontaneously as she was reflecting on one very satisfying friendship. After about three seconds, her mind drifted to worries. If she felt such positive feelings right now, might she be disappointed in the future?

The betrayal could be your partner's infidelity or it could be your best friend’s dropping you for a new friend. You might also feel betrayed if your significant other didn't defend you in an argument with others. Or maybe your best friend didn't reach out to you when they knew you were feeling down.

Have you ever felt like you might be exposed for not being capable at your job, thought you were a fraud in a family role or social situation or felt like you were in over your head in an academic setting or position of leadership? If so, you are not alone. Nearly 70 percent of people report thoughts of being an imposter at some point (Sakulku & Alexander, 2011). “Imposter syndrome” describes a very real group of symptoms that occur together, but it is not a medical diagnosis.

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